
Opt for grouping for international moves

The shared move is an interesting option when you have to move volumes of limited belongings to a foreign countryActive in Wallonia and Brussels and an expert in international moving, Maison Genné explains all the advantages of this formula.

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What is a group move?

As its name suggests, grouping consists in grouping the belongings of several people to transport them in one go to a destination. This is a very advantageous option for those who wish to move at a lower cost.  The group move is especially ideal for a small volume for a business (less than 20 cubic meters) that want to move abroad.

Two types of transport exist for this type of move: by sea for destinations like Canada, the United States, etc. or by land for countries like Italy or France.

What are the advantages of a shared move?

Choosing a group move has many advantages:

  • This is an economical solution since the transport costs are shared, but also the workforce, the equipment, etc. This allows the company to offer an advantageous rate. Generally, a shared move costs less than half the price of a conventional move.
  • Since several belongings are grouped in a single vehicle, this reduces the carbon footprint and therefore preserving the environment more.

 However, a question you can ask: Do your belongings risk mixing with those of other customers?  By calling on a professional moving company, you will not have an unpleasant surprise.

During the removal of your belongings, the signing of an inventory is required.   Thus, you can check the reception of all your personal effects when they are delivered to the final destination.

Inside the truck, all shipments are separated by removable partitions or flexible partitions, ensuring a clear distinction between each lot.

When should you opt for a group move?

Grouping is an ideal solution to save costs, but it is all the same, necessary to meet certain conditions before opting for this formula:

  • There must be a limited volume of belongings to be transported: shared move is not suitable when you have to transport large amounts of personal effects since you share the space available in the truck with other customers
  • You must have a certain flexibility compared to the moving dates because it must agree with the availability of other customers. In addition, as it is necessary to bring together several people going to the same destination, the grouping process can sometimes take time? Thus, it is preferable to opt for this type of move for belongings which you do not have the immediate use for

Would you like more information on the grouped move in Wallonia and Brussels?

Maison Genné offers you its services for managing your international move. You can contact us by telephone or via our online form.

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