
When should you start preparing your move?

When you move, it is important to do it in advance so that everything goes well.  Maison Genné, a company specializing in moving in Wallonia, supports you in the planning of your project.

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How should you prepare to move?

When a person decides to change homes, sometimes they wonder where to start and what are the key steps of a move.

One of the first steps to be taken is to give notice if you are a tenant or put the property up for sale if you own it.  You can then embark on a sorting process to get rid of the furniture, objects and other belongings that you do not want to take with you.  It is recommended to organize yourself meticulously and take leave in advance to be able to fully devote yourself to the preparation of your move.

It is also essential to establish an exhaustive list of all the administrative procedures to be done before moving, such as address changes for insurance, energy suppliers, mail redirections, etc.

Then, it is necessary to decide the moving mode: do it yourself by renting a vehicle or calling on a specialized company to facilitate the process.

Once the administrative aspects are set, it’s time to start preparing your moving boxes.  This step, although laborious and time-consuming, requires careful planning so that your belongings are properly labeled and organized by room. Thus, this facilitates unpacking on D-Day.

After having taken all these steps, the day of the move finally arrives, and you can live it in all serenity, knowing that everything has been carefully planned and prepared.

When should you plan your move?

Organizing and preparing a move requires anticipation long before the scheduled date. A well-established schedule is always recommended, taking care to include margins for possible unforeseen events.

As a general rule, it is advisable to set aside about three months for optimal planning.  However, this duration can vary depending on the size of the accommodation, the number of people concerned and the administrative formalities to be completed.

If you plan to resort to the services of a moving company, it is crucial to do it in advance.  Summer periods and end of the month are often very busy.  It is, therefore, recommended to contact them at least 8 to 5 weeks before the scheduled moving date.

Do not hesitate to assess different companies and the solutions they offer.  This allows you to obtain specific quotes concerning the volume of belongings and boxes to be transported.  The options planned by these companies vary.  Some may only take care of transport, while others offer a complete service including the secure packaging of your furniture to guarantee their protection during the transfer.

Do you want to plan your move with Maison Genné in Wallonia?

Maison Genné is at your disposal to answer all your questions about its moving services for individuals. Do not hesitate to contact our team directly by phone or through our online form.

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