
Why use a specialist company for a move in Europe?

Are you preparing to live abroad and want to delegate this complex task? Maison Genné, specializing in European moves from Brabant Walloon, presents the advantages of using a professional moving company.

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our removals service in Europe

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Why use a company specializing in international moves?

Moving abroad requires rigorous preparation, particularly for administrative procedures. Between formalities and logistics, this task can quickly become time-consuming and stressful. To simplify these stops, it is strongly recommended to seek the help of company specializing in international moves.

Whether you are moving to Europe or elsewhere, the complexity is much greater than that of a local move.  You must comply with specific regulations, complete all the administrative procedures, organize the transport, and ensure that your belongings cross the borders safely and legally. A specialized company ensures that these aspects are well managed by offering you services tailored to your needs and your budget, for a personalized and worry-free move.

Steps to move abroad

To properly prepare for a move abroad, it is recommended to contact a specialized company at least 3 to 4 months before the planned date. Make sure that the company is CBD approved (Belgian Chamber of Movers) and meets quality and reliability criteria to guarantee a smooth process.

A company that is an expert in international moves can also take care of the administrative procedures, particularly for destinations requiring residence permits, such as Switzerland.  It acts as an intermediary with the various administrations, which considerably facilitates your procedures.

When it comes to packing your belongings, it is crucial to prepare your boxes carefully and clearly label them. Customs often require a detailed inventory of your belongings, which sometimes needs to be translated into the language of the destination country. The moving company can help you with this step, including providing assistance with translating the inventory.

Your belongings will be transported directly from your home.  Your boxes will be placed in a sealed container, transported by land, sea or air depending on your destination. The company will inform you of delivery times, allowing you to organize yourself as best you can.

Would you like to find out more about Maison Genné, a international moving company in Brabant Walloon, La Hulpe, Lasne, and Rixensart?

The Maison Genné team will assist you with your international move. We are at your disposal to answer all your logistical questions. Contact us easily via our online form or by telephone.

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