
Organize your move from Belgium to Switzerland

A Belgium-Switzerland move involves rigorous organization as well as a series of steps to be taken to transport your goods safely. With its know-how and expertise in moving within Europe, including Belgium to Switzerland, Maison Genné presents the various points you need to know to prepare for your departure.

Moving to Switzerland: customs and its formalities

Formalities in order to move from Belgium to Switzerland.To prepare for your departure to Switzerland as well as the delivery of your belongings, you must anticipate the customs procedures. The services offered by the moving company must include an inventory of all you goods to communicate them in advance to the customs authorities. This step is mandatory and essential to move from Belgium to Switzerland with complete peace of mind.

Still on the subject of customs for your move to Switzerland, you will have to send several important documents to customs, such as:

  • The purchase deed or the rental lease of your new home
  • The duly completed customs exemption application form
  • A Swiss residence permit and a valid identity document (identity card or passport)

If you have any doubts, contact the Swiss administrative authorities well in advance. A professional experienced in moving from Belgium to Switzerland is also able to advise you on the steps to take.

Documents needed to move to Switzerland

Since Switzerland is part of the Schengen area, you do not need a visa for stays less than 3 months.

But if you want to settle and work there, you will have to apply for a residence permit, namely:

  • L permit: valid for 1 year renewable for a short-term activity
  • B permit: a residence permit valid for 5 years, renewable, for long-term residents
  • C permit: business permit with unlimited validity
  • G permit: authorization for cross-border workers, their geographical and professional mobility in Switzerland has been complete since 2007

How do I apply for a residential permit following a move to Switzerland?

To apply for a residential permit in Switzerland, go to the foreigner’s department in the population office in you region. Once there, you have 8 days to declare your arrival on the territory.

To avoid unpleasant surprises, we advise you to hire a professional mover from Belgium to Switzerland.

Do you have any questions about your future move to Switzerland?

As Switzerland is not part of the European Union, you must know the local legislation to prepare for this trip is essential. Contact the moving experts in Switzerland at Maison Genné.

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